Non-Medical, Antidepressant Alternative

Fraudulent Pain Management Studies - Is Dr.Scott Reuben’s Faked Pain Management Research Indirectly Claiming Live’s Today?

Will we ever know for sure?  Are the drugs Dr. Reuben researched still being sold? Are the doctors treating you still prescribing pain meds based on what they read in Dr. Reuben’s faked pain medication research?

It’s not surprising that we decide to believe research and form habits based on what we read. Doctor’s do it. We all do it. We trust experts and their supposedly “scientific” findings. Because we’re creatures of habit, I wonder how many doctors today continue their “habits of prescribing,” not even realizing that what they prescribe is based on fraud.

Before you read about Dr. Reuben, I want you to know there's a natural, non-medical, self-help process that you can use to relieve pain. This process can often, but not always, erase certain kinds of pain, even some that drugs have never been able to relieve. That’s something many people would want to know. Most doctors are still in the dark when it comes to knowing much about this technique called EFT. (Do a net search for “EFT for pain” and you’ll find lots of helpful info.) But enough about that for now. I only wanted to mention it because pain relief “without meds,” to me, seems preferable to drugs that frequently carry harmful side effects.

Since Scott Reuben was well-known for his pain management studies investigating the efficacy of new medications, I assume he was unfamiliar with EFT, but I’m only guessing. I also wonder how many people running drug studies have absolutely no financial ties to the companies who make the drugs they’re testing. You could spend days reading about that. But now, let’s get to the articles about Dr. Reuben:
A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies


Doctor’s Pain Studies Were Fabricated, Hospital Says

When you read:

A Listing of the Twenty-One Fabricated Studies by Dr. Scott Reuben

be sure to scroll down a bit to find the listing.


The Fake Clinical Trials of Dr. Scott Reuben

The Most Massive Scientific Fraud Ever?

Doc Who Faked Pfizer Studies Gets 6 Months in Prison,
Showing Why Gift Bans Are a Good Idea


Did you read this amazing example of the FDA hiding harmful side effects?

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